Meet the Team

Heart and Soul of the Project. Here is the Dream(time) Team

This project has been created and written by Denis and Emiliano, two travellers with a passion for story-telling and video-making. In order to make their Australian dream come true, they’ve asked two friends to join them in this new adventure, and thus the Italian DreamTeam (pun intended) was formed. Thanks to those people all the videos and amazing content from Australia were provided to you.

Denis Strickner

australian-kangaroo-denisTravel blogger with a passion for video-making, photography and writing
After a degree in Economics and Tourism Management (Bologna, 2006), he attended a MA in Communication and Travel Culture (Rome, 2010). Traveller at heart, he has lived and worked in Brazil, Guadalupe, Portugal, Spain and Germany and speaks 5 languages (Italian, English, Portuguese, Spanish and German). He has written travel essays about Spain and Greece and his travels were featured on the Nikon online magazine Sguardi and on the travel anthology Partire (Vallardi, 2011).

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Emiliano Bechi Gabrielli

australian-koala-emilianoVideomaker. Photographer. Content Manager. Social Media Specialist.
Graduated in IT (2007), he holds a MA in Communication and Multimedia Technologies (2008) and another one in Communication and Travel Culture (2010). Since January 2011 he works as Head of Communication at Italian WWF’s Tourism Department, for which he also creates promotional videos with a focus on tourism and education. He loves travelling and enjoys travel literature (when I have the time – which is almost never!), rock music, TV series (Lost changed my life!), movies and documentaries.

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Renato La Monica

australian-wombat-renatoAssistant/Videomaker and Writer
Neapolitan and citizen of the world. Tourist operator with a passion for travel writing, videography and travel photography, he holds a MA in Communication and Travel Culture (2010). With a passion for travel and discovery, he is on a continuous quest for beauty.

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Francesca Novali

quokkaContent and Social Media Manager, with a passion for travel and nature.
After a degree in Economics and Tourism Management at the trilingual University of Bolzano (2010), she immediately starts working in the tourism sector. Costantly driven by wanderlust, she loves to travel and goes out exploring as often as she can.

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Also worked with us in Australia:

Oriana Pagano

australian-dingo-orianaWeb Designer. Travel Blogger. Social Media Manager. Translator.
After a degree in Communication Science (Bologna, 2005), she has lived and worked in Dublin (Ireland) for almost four years before hopping on a plane to Sydney (Australia) with little more than a Working Holiday Visa and her ever-growing wanderlust. Born with the travel gene, when not designing or building websites she’s out with her camera exploring the world, looking for beauty, inspiration and stories worth telling. She shares them on her bilingual travel blog

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